
It’s been a great summer season for Woodstock, with our Mixed A and Mixed B teams winning their divisions, the Men’s Midweek team winning the league, and the Ladies A, Men’s A and Men’s C all promoted.  Our Ladies C were unlucky to miss out on promotion by a single point, and the Men’s D also came close. But regardless of results, thanks and well done to everyone who’s played in our teams this season, and good luck in the Winter League which is just about to start.  And don’t forget: if you’d like to join a squad and play team tennis (even just now and again) and are not yet involved, be sure to let us know.  You’ll be very welcome!  Simply drop us a line at woodstocktennisclub@gmail.com.

While we’re handing out plaudits, well done and thanks to everyone who’s made the summer so enjoyable at our thriving Club Sessions, at which many new members have kindly commented on what a friendly place it is.  Do keep coming through the autumn and winter, whenever the weather allows. The autumn and winter Club Sessions – everyone is very welcome – are:
SUNDAYS, 1.30 – 3.30 and, if you’re free during the day – or working from home and fancy an invigorating break! – TUESDAYS, 1.30 – 3.30 [starting next Tuesday, 5th].

TENNIS SECTION AGM:  Thursday 11 November, 8pm, via Zoom – details to follow shortly.

HOME MATCHES COMING UP [each match 2 courts]:
SATURDAY 23rd, 1 pm:  Men’s A v Oxford Sports; Ladies B v Wantage
SUNDAY 24th, 10 am:  Ladies A v Witney
SATURDAY 30th, 1 pm: Ladies B v North Oxford; Men’s D v Oxford City
SATURDAY 6th November, 1 pm:  Ladies C v King’s Sutton